
Election Cliches Will Abound

Tune in to your favorite political pundit tonight and you are sure to find that the old adage, avoid cliches like the plague, does not apply to politics. Here's a sampling:

This race is too close to call ( his bifocals need replacing)

Senator Flubber is ahead by a whisker (he hasn't shaved since the campaign started)

Color Ohio blue (even though they are seeing red over voting restrictions)

The Republicans and the Democrats are in a horse race for control of the House (they haven't heard that gambling on elections is illegal)

It looks like a clean sweep ( now they can start all over again)

John the Candidate has carried the state (that's what weight lifting will do for you)

His coat tails are not long enough (needs a good tailor on his staff)

Smith is trailing Johnson (he suspects him of cheating)

The early returns show a trend (it's a wild guess)

With 1% of the vote in we give Ohio to ??? ( that's generous of them)

The race for POTUS may be decided by SCOTUS (the fix is in)

Having said that, I'll turn the TV on and watch that great movie , "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" - it's full of good cliches.

Oh, I forgot. With the polls still open and 0% of the vote counted, I am going out on a limb and declare that Barak Obama will at the very least be President for the rest of the year and has a leg up on being elected to a second term.

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