
Speaker Boehner and SOTU

Watching the SOTU speech last night, it appeared to me that Speaker Boehner was on the verge of tears. At the very least he was the picture of boredom. I wonder what was going through his head or was it going in one ear and out the other. I’d give a penny for his thoughts. He doesn't impress me as a profound thinker so I'd bet the ranch that as he listened to POTUS he was preoccupied with clichés such as:

- This SOB is the picture of health.

- I can’t make head or tail of what he’s saying.

- It’s all Greek to me.

- That’s not the American way!

- He babbles like a brook.

- If he thinks we are going to vote on the gun control bill he has bats in his belfry.

- You can bet your boots that we won’t buck the NRA.

- This guy is nothing but a big spender.

- The liberal wing of the SOB's party is biting off more than it can chew.

- You can bet your bottom dollar that we won’t raise the minimum wage.

- Getting his agenda through the house will be a tough road to hoe.

- There’s got to be a way to steal his thunder.

- Maybe we should throw him a bone to get him off our backs.

- There is light at the end of the tunnel, he’s winding this thing down.

- Hope he puts a lid on his SOTU address, like now.

- I need a touch of the creature after listening to that garbage.

- How did Alito, Thomas and Scalia of SCOTUS get to skip this thing?

- At last the windbag is done.

- Time to take a powder.

-  I need to cover the bases.

-  God Bless America, Vayo con Deos - that should do it.
-  I’m out of here.


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