
About Bites

I planned to write a post about cliches containing the word "bite" but I soon found out that I had bitten off more than I could chew. Needless to say, my project bit the dust. I tried to bite the bullet and move on but when push came to pull I took one more crack at it by resorting to Google search. Lo and behold I found that "bite" had something other going for it than the clamping of teeth. There are sound bites - those short catchy statements extracted from a longer speech or report used in a radio or TV newscast. Then we have the first cousin of bite; namely, byte. I had forgotten that bytes related to computer memory. What is a byte? A byte consists of eight bits. I guess a bit is an itty bitty byte. Wrong! A bit is short for binary digit. At least I had the itty bitty right. At this point I must admit that if I were writing for a living, writing this post would be equivalent to biting the hand that feeds me.

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